
Privacy Policy

In general, you can visit Clouddesk GST Private Limited’s Website/ NoticeBot’s Webbased Application (hereinafter referred to as “Software”) without telling us who you are and without revealing any information about yourself. However, at times, we may need some relevant information about you. Our Web servers collect domain names of visitors to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed, etc. We do not save their e-mail addresses unless used any of services provided by us to users or any inquiry done by the user.
We believe it is important you know how we treat the information we receive from you, on the Internet.
1. Effective Date:
This Privacy Policy on Personal Information (‘Policy’) is effective with immediate effect and it supersedes all existing polices on the subject matter.
2. Applicability:
This Policy applies to all Data collected electronically by Clouddesk GST Private Limited (“NoticeBot”) or its subsidiaries or affiliated companies.
3. Objective of Policy:
NoticeBot takes seriously the trust you place in us. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, to maintain data accuracy and to ensure the appropriate use of the information, NoticeBot utilizes appropriate physical, technical and administrative procedures to safeguard the information we collect.
4. Collection of Information
4.1. We will collect personal information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. However, User of Software need to provide
basic details for use of software.
4.2. We may collect personal information from Users in a variety of ways while visit or use of our website or software or mobile application;
5. Permitted Sharing and use of Information
5.1. NoticeBot does not share or use personal information about you with nonaffiliated companies except:
5.1.1. To provide products or services requested by you;
5.1.2. To improve our Customer Support service;
5.1.3. To personalize user experience.
5.1.4. We may use such information in the aggregate to understand how our Users, as a group, utilize the services and resources available on our Site.
5.1.5. To improve our Software or website Site or mobile application
5.1.6. We provide the information to trusted entities who work on behalf of or with NoticeBot under strict confidentiality agreements. These entities may use your personal information to help NoticeBot communicate with you about offers from NoticeBot and our marketing partners. However, these companies do not have any
independent right to further share or disseminate this information;
5.1.7. To respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims;
5.1.8. To protect or enforce NoticeBot’s rights, usage terms, intellectual or physical property or for safety of NoticeBot or associated parties.
5.1.9. Aggregate tracking and site usage information that we gather automatically as you access our Site.
5.1.10. To run a promotion, contest, survey or other advertising event.
5.1.11. To send periodic emails.
5.1.12. To improve our products and services.
5.1.13. To process payments
5.1.14. We may send our Users the information they agreed to receive about the topics we think will be of interest to them.
We may use email addresses provided by our Users to send them the information and any updates on their order. Email addresses may also be used to respond to
our Users’ inquiries, questions, and/or other requests. If the User decides to optin to our mailing list, they will receive emails that may include company news, updates, product or service-related information, etc. NoticeBot will not be liable to any unsolicited information provided by you. Your consent to NoticeBot using such information shall be as per NoticeBot’s Privacy policy.
We will make a sincere effort to respond in a timely manner to your requests to correct inaccuracies in your personal information. For this, please send message containing inaccuracies to us.
6. Cookies and other technologies
6.1. We sometimes collect anonymous information from visits to our sites to help us provide better customer service. For example, we keep track of the domains from which people visit and we also measure visitor activity on NoticeBot Software, but we do so in ways that keep the information of the visitor anonymous. NoticeBot or its affiliates or vendors may use this data to analyze trends and statistics and to help us provide better customer service. We maintain the highest levels of confidentiality for this information. Our affiliates and vendors follow the same high levels of confidentiality. This anonymous information is used and analyzed only at an aggregate level to help us understand trends and patterns. None of this information is reviewed at an individual level. If you do not want your transaction details used in this manner, you can either disable your cookies or opt-out at the download or request page. Alternatively, you can set your browser to intimate upon receiving a cookie. You may accordingly decide to opt out.
6.2. NoticeBot may use ‘cookies’ to enhance User experience. User’s web browser places cookies on their hard drive for the purpose of keeping records and tracking information about them. Users may choose to set their web-browser to refuse cookies, or to alert them when cookies are being sent. If they do so, Users need to remember that some parts of the website may not function properly.
7. Mailers
7.1. NoticeBot may send direct mailers to you at the address given by you.
8. Anti-Spam policy
8.1. NoticeBotrecognizes the receipt, transmission or distribution of spam emails (i.e. unsolicited bulk emails) as a major concern and has taken reasonable measures to minimize the transmission and effect of spam emails in our computing environment. All emails received by NoticeBot are subject to spam check. Any email identified as spam will be rejected with sufficient information to the sender for taking necessary action. With this measure, along with other technical spam reduction measures, NoticeBot hopes to minimize the effect of spam emails. NoticeBot reserves the right to reject and/or report any suspicious spam emails, to the authorities concerned, for necessary action.
9. Links to Non- NoticeBot /Other websites and Software
9.1. NoticeBot may provide links to third-party Software for your convenience and information. If you access those links through the NoticeBot Software,
you will leave the NoticeBot Software. NoticeBot does not control those sites or their privacy practices, which may differ from NoticeBot’s practices. We do not endorse or make any representations about third-party Software. The personal data you choose to provide to or that is collected by these third parties, including any social media websites/Software featured on our websites/Software, is not covered by the NoticeBot’s Privacy Policy. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any Software before submitting your personal information.
9.2. NoticeBot’s Software may contain links to other sites such as that of its partners and affiliates. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect privacy, we are NOT responsible for the content or the privacy practices employed by such other sites. User’s browsing to other site is subject to other Site’s own terms and policies defined.
9.3. We may also provide social media features on our Software that enable you to share NoticeBot information with your social networks and to interact with NoticeBot on various social media sites. Your use of these features may result in the collection or sharing of information about you, depending o the feature. W encourage you to review the privacy policies and settings on the social media sites with which you interact to make sure you understand the information that could be shared by those sites.
9.4. At times we conduct online surveys to better understand the needs and profiles of our visitors. When we conduct a survey, we will try (but are not
obligated) to let you know how we will use the information at the time we collect information from you on the Internet.
9.5. You recognize and understand that there is no compulsion on you to provide us with your personal information and any and all personal information
provided by you to us is with your full consent, own volition and desire to provide such personal information.
10. Reasonable Security Practices & Procedures NoticeBot will take reasonable steps to ensure that all dealings in Personal Data shall:
a. be processed fairly & lawfully;
b. be obtained only with the consent of the information provider;
c. be collected, only when:
(i) the information is collected for a lawful purpose connected with a function or activity of NoticeBot; and
(ii) the collection of the sensitive personal data or information is considered necessary for that purpose.
d. Be kept secure against unauthorized or unlawful processing, as per the prescribed standards.
11. Right to opt out NoticeBot respects your privacy considerations and hence provides an option to you, to not provide the data or information sought to be collected. Further, you can also withdraw your consent which was earlier given to NoticeBot, and the same must be communicated to NoticeBot in writing.
12. Authenticity
NoticeBot shall not be responsible for the authenticity of the Personal Data supplied to it by the provider, whose duty it is to ensure that the information provided by it or its employees is authentic.
13. Retention Period for Collected Data The criteria used to determine the period of storage of personal data is the respective statutory retention period. After expiration of that period and when we no longer need personal data, we routinely and securely delete or destroy it, as long as it is no longer necessary for the Purpose.
14. Our Commitment to Data Security We will exercise high levels of care in providing secure transmission of information between your computer, Mobile, Cell Phone and our servers and in storing that information on our systems or on system of our authorized partner/agent, no method of transmission over the Internet, or of electronic storage, is 100% secure. As such, we cannot ensure or otherwise guarantee the security of information transmitted to us over the Internet.
15. Assignment
In the event of a change of control of ‘NoticeBot’ or ‘Clouddesk GST Private Limited’ (such as through a merger, sale, assignment or liquidation of the business entity, or any of its properties, assets, equity, trademark, copyright and other intangible properties) or, in the event of a direct or indirect sale of any of its publishing properties and/or its Site, personal information of users of the affected Sites in our possession will be transferred to the new owner/successor. We are not obligated to notify users of any such transaction. You may always change or delete your information or opt out by contacting us as provided below, or if the acquirer posts a new Privacy Policy with new contact information, you may change or delete your information or opt out by following any new instructions that are posted.
16. Penal provisions
You further agree that our management shall not be held responsible directly or indirectly for any cybercrime related criminal liabilities under I. T. Act, 2000
relating to your information as you have agreed and acknowledged that our management complies with due diligence (care & controls) requirements of I. T.
Act, 2000 including its rules and amendments. Further, you also agree and acknowledge that our management shall never be held responsible regarding privacy of your sensitive personal data in case of sharing your sensitive personal data to any authorized cyber investigation agency of appropriate government authorities as required under sections 67C, 69, 69A, 69B, 70B, 79 and 80 of I. T. Act, 2000 including its amendments and rules.
 17. Changes to this Policy
The NoticeBot reserves the right to update, change or modify this policy at any time. The policy shall come to effect from the date of such update, change or
modification unless otherwise prescribed in modified policy. We will post any changes to the Privacy Policy on the Site or may notify such changes through other mode, but we have no other obligation to notify you of such changes.
If you object to the changes, please contact us as provided below and we will remove your information that we previously collected. However, your subsequent
provision of information to us through any of our Site is deemed your agreement to use of that information in accordance with the then-current Privacy Policy.
18. Grievance Redressal:
Any grievance or complaint, in relation to processing of information, should be sent to NoticeBot in writing to following contact email ID. Grievance shall be redressed as expeditiously as possible. E-mail: